
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Register Alpha Caller or Role

🤝 Command Group: alpha

📝 Command Name: register

📋 Parameters:

  • member (required: False) - Add an alpha caller. (Type: user)

  • role (required: False) - Add a Role to the alpha list. (Type: role)

📝 Description:

Add an alpha caller or a Role to the alpha list.

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Register as an alpha caller:


    This command is used to register yourself as an alpha caller.

  • Whitelist a Role for alpha calls:

    !register --role @RoleName

    This command is used to whitelist a specific Role for alpha calls. Specify the role parameter as the mentioned Role you want to whitelist.

📝 Note:

  • This command allows you to add yourself as an alpha caller or whitelist a Role for alpha calls.

  • If you use the command without any parameters, it will register you as an alpha caller.

  • If you specify the role parameter, it will whitelist the mentioned Role for alpha calls.

  • Only admins can whitelist a Role for alpha calls.

  • If a Role is whitelisted, anyone with that Role can register as an alpha caller.

  • If no Role is whitelisted and you're not an admin, you won't be able to register as an alpha caller.

  • After executing the command, you will receive a confirmation message indicating whether the registration or whitelisting was successful.

Last updated