
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Edit Collection's Settings

🤝 Command Group: collections

📝 Command Name: edit

📋 Parameters:

  • sales (required: True) - Whether to send sales for this collection. (Type: boolean)

  • listings (required: True) - Whether to send listings for this collection or not. (Type: boolean)

  • sales_channel (required: True) - Where to send sales? (Type: channel)

  • listings_channel (required: True) - Where to send listings? (Type: channel)

  • twitter_username (required: False) - The Twitter username of the collection's Twitter account. (Type: string)

📝 Description:

Edit a collection's settings.

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Edit a collection's settings:

    !edit --sales true --listings true --sales_channel #sales-channel --listings_channel #listings-channel --twitter_username my_twitter_account

    This command is used to edit the settings of a collection. You can specify whether to send sales and listings for this collection, as well as the channels where they should be sent. Optionally, you can provide the Twitter username of the collection's Twitter account.

📝 Note:

  • This command requires appropriate permissions to execute.

  • Use the command to edit the settings of a collection in your Solana NFT community.

  • Specify the sales parameter as true if you want to send sales for this collection.

  • Specify the listings parameter as true if you want to send listings for this collection.

  • Specify the sales_channel and listings_channel parameters as the respective Discord channels where you want to send sales and listings.

  • Optionally, provide the twitter_username parameter to link the collection's Twitter account.

  • After editing the collection's settings, the command will display the new settings, including the sales, listings, sales channel, and listings channel.

🔧 Command Signature:

Command Group - collections
Command Name - edit
Parameters - sales: Whether to send sales for this collection (required: True),
             listings: Whether to send listings for this collection or not (required: True),
             sales_channel: Where to send sales? (required: True),
             listings_channel: Where to send listings? (required: True),
             twitter_username: The Twitter username of the collection's Twitter account (required: False)

Now you can use the RADAR bot's edit command to easily modify the settings of a collection in your Solana NFT community.

Last updated