
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Unblacklist

🔒 Command Group: verification

🔧 Command Name: unblacklist

📋 Parameters:

  • nft (required: True) - The NFT to unblacklist. (Type: string)

📝 Description:

Unblacklist an NFT that was previously blacklisted.

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Unblacklist an NFT:

    !unblacklist <nft_address>

    This command is used to unblacklist the NFT with the specified nft_address. Provide the NFT address as a parameter.

📝 Note:

  • This command requires appropriate administrative permissions to execute.

  • The nft parameter is required and should be the address of the NFT that you want to unblacklist.

🔧 Command Signature:

Command Group - verification
Command Name - unblacklist
Parameters - nft:The NFT to unblacklist (required: True)

Now you can use the RADAR bot's unblacklist command to remove an NFT from the blacklist in your Solana NFT community on Discord.

Last updated