
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Generate Whitelist Panel

🤝 Command Group: whitelist

📝 Command Name: panel

📋 Parameters:

  • channel (required: True) - The channel to create the panel in.

  • title (required: False) - Optional title for the whitelist panel.

  • description (required: False) - Optional description for the whitelist panel.

  • logo (required: False) - Whitelist Panel Logo Link.

  • banner (required: False) - Whitelist Panel Banner Link.

📝 Description:

Generate the whitelist panel in the selected channel.

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Generate the whitelist panel in a specific channel:

    !panel #whitelist-channel

    This command is used to generate the whitelist panel in the specified channel. After executing the command, the bot will create a panel with default settings in the mentioned channel.

  • Generate the whitelist panel with custom settings:

    !panel #whitelist-channel "Whitelist Panel" "This is a panel for our exclusive members" "" ""

    This command is used to generate the whitelist panel with custom settings. After executing the command, the bot will create a panel in the mentioned channel with the provided title, description, logo, and banner.

📝 Note:

  • This command allows you to generate the whitelist panel in a specific channel.

  • Specify the channel where you want to create the panel using the channel parameter.

  • Optionally, you can provide a title, description, logo link, and banner link for the panel.

  • The title parameter is used to set a custom title for the panel.

  • The description parameter is used to provide additional information about the panel.

  • The logo parameter is used to specify the logo image link for the panel.

  • The banner parameter is used to specify the banner image link for the panel.

  • After executing the command, the bot will create the panel in the specified channel.

  • The command response will be sent as an ephemeral message visible only to you.

  • The bot will provide a link to the generated panel for easy access.

Last updated