
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Edit Secret Note

🤝 Command Group: secret

📝 Command Name: edit

📋 Parameters:

  • channel (required) - Which channel the secret note belongs to

  • title (optional) - The title of the secret note

  • message (optional) - The content of the secret note

  • url (optional) - URL to be embedded in the secret note

  • thumbnail (optional) - Thumbnail URL for the secret note

  • image (optional) - Image URL for the secret note

  • captcha (optional) - Protect the secret note with a captcha

  • password (optional) - Protect the secret note with a password

  • payment (optional) - Protect the secret note with a SOL/SPL payment

📝 Description:

Edit a secret note with updated information. This command allows you to modify the title, content, URL, thumbnail, image, and protection settings of a secret note. You can make changes to the secret note as long as you are the authorized author.

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Edit a secret note with required parameters:

    !edit #secrets "Important Announcement" "Please read the updated document for important information."

    This command edits the secret note in the #secrets channel with the new title "Important Announcement" and the updated message "Please read the updated document for important information."

  • Edit a secret note with optional parameters:

    !edit #secrets "Important Announcement" "Please read the updated document for important information." --url https://example.com --thumbnail https://example.com/thumbnail.png --captcha --password mypassword --payment

    This command edits the secret note in the #secrets channel with the new title "Important Announcement" and the updated message "Please read the updated document for important information." It also adds a URL, thumbnail, captcha protection, password protection, and SOL/SPL payment protection to the secret note.

📝 Note:

  • This command allows you to edit a secret note with updated information.

  • The channel parameter is required and specifies the channel where the secret note belongs.

  • The title parameter is optional and sets the new title for the secret note.

  • The message parameter is optional and sets the updated content of the secret note.

  • The url parameter is optional and updates the URL embedded in the secret note.

  • The thumbnail parameter is optional and updates the thumbnail URL for the secret note.

  • The image parameter is optional and updates the image URL for the secret note.

  • The captcha parameter is optional and adds or removes captcha protection for the secret note.

  • The password parameter is optional and adds or removes password protection for the secret note.

  • The payment parameter is optional and adds or removes SOL/SPL payment protection for the secret note.

  • To use this command, you must be an authorized author of the secret note. If not authorized, you can add yourself as an author using the /secret author or /author command.

  • The bot will display a success or failure message based on the outcome of the edit operation.

  • If the secret note is successfully edited, the bot will display a success message and update the secret note in the specified channel.

  • If the secret note fails to be edited, the bot will display an error message.

  • The command response will be sent as an ephemeral message visible only to you.

Last updated