
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Role

🔒 Command Group: verification

🔧 Command Name: role

📋 Parameters:

  • role (required: True) - The role to give. (Type: role)

  • attribute_role (required: True) - Is this role for a specific NFT attribute? (Type: boolean)

  • nft_count (required: False) - How many NFTs you need to own of this type to get the role. (Type: integer)

📝 Description:

Assign a role automatically added if the user owns an NFT with that attribute.

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Assign a role for a specific NFT attribute:

    !role @NFT Holder true

    This command is used to assign the @NFT Holder role to users who own an NFT with a specific attribute. Set true for the attribute_role parameter.

  • Assign a role with a specific NFT count:

    !role @NFT Collector false 5

    This command is used to assign the @NFT Collector role to users who own 5 or more NFTs. Set false for the attribute_role parameter and provide the desired nft_count.

📝 Note:

  • This command requires appropriate administrative permissions to execute.

  • The attribute_role parameter determines whether the role is assigned based on a specific NFT attribute.

  • The nft_count parameter is optional. If provided, the role will be assigned based on the number of NFTs owned.

🔧 Command Signature:

Command Group - verification
Command Name - role
Parameters - role:The role to give (required: True), attribute_role:Is this role for a specific NFT Attribute (required: True), nft_count:How many NFTs you need to own of this type to get the role (required: False)

Now you can use the RADAR bot's role command to assign roles automatically based on NFT ownership for your Solana NFT community on Discord.

Last updated