
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Snipe Collection for Best Deals

🔒 Command Group: rarity

🔧 Command Name: snipe

📋 Parameters:

  • keyword (required: True) - Any part of the collection's name. (Type: string)

  • attribute (required: False) - Specify if you want a certain trait. (Type: string)

  • value (required: False) - The trait value you're looking for. (Type: string)

  • budget (required: False) - Set how much you're willing to spend. (Type: number)

  • minimum (required: False) - Show options only above this price. (Type: number)

📝 Description:

Snipe a collection on Magic Eden for the best deals.

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Snipe a collection:

    !snipe <keyword>

    This command is used to snipe a collection on Magic Eden for the best deals. Provide any part of the keyword of the collection as a parameter.

  • Snipe a collection with additional options:

    !snipe <keyword> --attribute <attribute> --value <value> --budget <budget> --minimum <minimum>

    This command is used to snipe a collection on Magic Eden with additional options. Provide the keyword of the collection as a parameter, and you can optionally specify the attribute, value, budget, and minimum parameters to refine your search.

📝 Note:

  • This command requires appropriate permissions to execute.

  • Use the command to snipe a collection on Magic Eden for the best deals.

  • Provide any part of the keyword of the collection to search for.

  • You can optionally specify the attribute and value parameters to search for a specific trait in the collection.

  • Use the budget parameter to set your spending limit.

  • The minimum parameter allows you to filter options that are above a certain price.

  • The command will provide you with the best deals based on your search criteria.

🔧 Command Signature:

Command Group - rarity
Command Name - snipe
Parameters - keyword:Any part of the collection's name (required: True), attribute:Specify if you want a certain trait (required: False), value:The trait value you're looking for (required: False), budget:Set how much you're willing to spend (required: False), minimum:Show options only above this price (required: False)

Now you can use the RADAR bot's snipe command to find the best deals in Solana NFT collections on Magic Eden.

Last updated