
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Get Collection Statistics

📊 Command Group: analytics

🔧 Command Name: floor

📋 Parameters:

  • collection (required: True) - Any part of the collection's name. (Type: string)

  • exchange (required: False) - The exchange to get the data from. (Type: string)

  • detailed (required: False) - Whether to display detailed statistics. (Type: boolean)

📝 Description:

Get current statistics for a selected collection.

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Get current statistics for a collection:

    !floor --collection <collection_name>

    This command is used to get current statistics for a selected collection. Provide any part of the collection_name as a parameter to retrieve the statistics.

  • Get current statistics for a collection from a specific exchange:

    !floor --collection <collection_name> --exchange <exchange_name>

    This command is used to get current statistics for a selected collection from a specific exchange. Provide any part of the collection_name and the exchange_name as parameters to retrieve the statistics.

  • Get detailed statistics for a collection:

    !floor --collection <collection_name> --detailed

    This command is used to get detailed statistics for a selected collection. Provide any part of the collection_name and include the --detailed flag as a parameter to retrieve detailed statistics.

📝 Note:

  • This command requires appropriate permissions to execute.

  • Use the command to retrieve current statistics for a selected collection in Solana NFT communities.

  • Provide any part of the collection_name as a parameter to search for the collection.

  • The exchange parameter allows you to specify the exchange from which to retrieve the data. If not provided, it defaults to "MagicEden".

  • The detailed parameter determines whether to display detailed statistics. By default, it is set to false.

  • The command will provide you with an embed containing the statistics for the selected collection, including depth charts if available.

🔧 Command Signature:

Command Group - analytics
Command Name - floor
Parameters - collection:Any part of the collection's name (required: True), exchange:The exchange to get the data from (required: False), detailed:Whether to display detailed statistics (required: False)

Now you can use the RADAR bot's floor command to get current statistics for Solana NFT collections and make informed decisions in the NFT market.

Last updated