
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Remove Anti-Impostor

🤝 Command Group: impostor

📝 Command Name: unregister

📋 Parameters:

  • member (required: False) - User to remove from anti-impostor list

📝 Description:

Remove anti-impostor protection for your user. This command removes the specified user from the anti-impostor list.

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Remove yourself from the anti-impostor list:


    This command is used to remove yourself from the anti-impostor list. After executing the command, the bot will remove you from the list, disabling anti-impostor protection for your user.

  • Remove another user from the anti-impostor list:

    !unregister --member @User123

    This command is used to remove the specified user from the anti-impostor list. Replace @User123 with the mention of the user you want to remove. After executing the command, the bot will remove the user from the list, disabling anti-impostor protection for their user.

📝 Note:

  • This command allows you to remove a user from the anti-impostor list.

  • If no member parameter is provided, the command will remove yourself from the list.

  • If a member parameter is provided, you need to have admin privileges in the server to remove that user from the list.

  • After executing the command, the bot will check if you have the necessary permissions to perform the action.

  • If you don't have the required permissions, the bot will display an error message.

  • The command response will be sent as an ephemeral message visible only to you.

  • The bot will remove the specified user from the anti-impostor list, disabling anti-impostor protection for their user.

  • If the specified user is not in the anti-impostor list, the bot will display an error message indicating that they are not in the list.

Last updated