
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Register

🔒 Command Group: verification

🔧 Command Name: register

📋 Parameters:

  • project_name (required: True) - What's the name of your project? (Type: string)

  • symbol (required: True) - What's the symbol of your project? (Type: string)

  • main_nft (required: False) - Do you want the guild to have a 'Main NFT' option? (Type: boolean)

  • logo (required: False) - Which logo would you like to use for your project? (Type: string)

  • background (required: False) - Which background would you like to use for your project? (Type: string)

📝 Description:

Add the current guild to NiftyPASS.

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Register the guild with required parameters:

    !register MyProject SOL

    This command is used to register the current guild to NiftyPASS. Replace MyProject with the name of your project and SOL with the symbol of your project.

  • Register the guild with optional parameters:

    !register MyProject SOL true MyLogo MyBackground

    This command is used to register the current guild to NiftyPASS. Replace MyProject with the name of your project, SOL with the symbol of your project, true if you want the guild to have a 'Main NFT' option, MyLogo with the desired logo, and MyBackground with the desired background.

📝 Note:

  • This command requires appropriate administrative permissions to execute.

  • The main_nft, logo, and background parameters are optional. If provided, they will customize the registration details for the guild.

🔧 Command Signature:

Command Group - verification
Command Name - register
Parameters - project_name:What's the name of your project? (required: True), symbol:What's the symbol of your project? (required: True), main_nft:Do you want the guild to have a 'Main NFT' option? (required: False), logo:Which logo would you like to use for your project? (required: False), background:Which background would you like to use for your project? (required: False)

Now you can use the RADAR bot's register command to add the current guild to NiftyPASS and customize the registration details for your Solana NFT community on Discord.

Last updated