
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Holder Welcome

🤝 Command Group: server

📝 Command Name: holder_welcome

📋 Parameters:

  • 🎭 role (required: true): The role to monitor.

  • 💬 message (required: true): The message to send when the role is added.

  • 🖼️ image (required: false): Optional image that will show up in the message (Big Image).

  • 🖼️ thumbnail (required: false): Optional thumbnail that will show up in the message (Small Image).

📝 Description:

Send a greeting message whenever someone gets the holder role. This command allows you to set up a greeting message that will be sent automatically whenever a member is assigned the specified holder role. The message can include optional images to enhance the greeting.

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Set up a holder welcome message:

    !holder_welcome --role @Holder --message Welcome to our exclusive Holder group!

    This command sets up a greeting message that will be sent whenever a member is assigned the "Holder" role. The message will say "Welcome to our exclusive Holder group!"

📝 Note:

  • This command allows you to set up a greeting message for a specific holder role.

  • Only users with the appropriate permissions (e.g., admins) can use this command.

  • After executing the command, you will be prompted to mention the channels where the greeting message should be sent.

  • The greeting message can include a custom message and optional images.

  • The command will store the settings for the holder greeting in the server's configuration.

  • If a greeting message already exists for the specified role, you will be asked if you want to overwrite it.

  • The command response will indicate the successful setup of the holder greeting, including the role name and the channels where the message will be sent.

Last updated