
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Set AFK

🤝 Command Group: profiles

📝 Command Name: afk

📋 Parameters:

  • hours (required: True) - The number of hours you will be away for. Set to 0 for indefinite. (Type: integer)

📝 Description:

Set your status to away so people know you're not available!

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Set your status to away for a specific duration:

    !afk 4

    This command is used to set your status to away for a specific duration. After executing the command, the bot will update your profile and indicate that you are away for the specified number of hours.

  • Set your status to away indefinitely:

    !afk 0

    This command is used to set your status to away indefinitely. After executing the command, the bot will update your profile and indicate that you are away indefinitely.

📝 Note:

  • This command allows you to set your status to away.

  • If no profile exists for you, the bot will create a new profile and register you.

  • Specify the number of hours you will be away using a positive integer. For example, 4 or 8.

  • Use 0 as the value for hours if you want to set your status to away indefinitely.

  • The bot will update your profile with the specified away duration or indicate that you are away indefinitely.

  • You will receive a success message indicating the duration for which you are away.

  • If the away duration is specified, the success message will show the number of hours you are away.

  • If the away duration is set to indefinite, the success message will indicate that you are away indefinitely.

  • The command response will be sent as an ephemeral message visible only to you.

Last updated