
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Create Whitelist

🤝 Command Group: whitelist

📝 Command Name: create

📋 Parameters:

  • name (required: True) - The name of the whitelist.

  • network (required: True) - The network of the whitelist (SOL/ETH).

  • cap (required: False) - Add a cap (limit) to the whitelist.

  • day (required: False) - Day - deadline to whitelist (Optional).

  • month (required: False) - Month - deadline to whitelist (Optional).

  • hour (required: False) - UTC Hour - deadline to whitelist (Optional).

  • minute (required: False) - UTC Minute - deadline to whitelist (Optional).

  • minimum_balance (required: False) - Minimum balance required to join the whitelist (Optional, SOL Only).

📝 Description:

Creates a new whitelist.

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Create a new whitelist:

    !create "Solana Whitelist" SOL

    This command is used to create a new whitelist with the name "Solana Whitelist" on the Solana network. After executing the command, the bot will create the whitelist with default settings.

  • Create a new whitelist with optional parameters:

    !create "Ethereum Whitelist" ETH --cap 1000 --day 15 --month 10 --hour 18 --minute 30 --minimum_balance 5

    This command is used to create a new whitelist with the name "Ethereum Whitelist" on the Ethereum network. The whitelist will have a cap of 1000, a deadline on the 15th of October at 18:30 UTC, and a minimum balance requirement of 5 ETH.

📝 Note:

  • This command allows you to create a new whitelist.

  • Specify the name of the whitelist using the name parameter.

  • Specify the network of the whitelist (SOL or ETH) using the network parameter.

  • Optional parameters can be used to customize the whitelist:

    • cap sets a limit on the number of participants.

    • day, month, hour, and minute set the deadline for whitelisting.

    • minimum_balance sets the minimum balance required to join the whitelist (SOL only).

  • The command response will include the details of the created whitelist.

  • The command response will be sent as an ephemeral message visible only to you.

Last updated