
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Wipe Whitelist

🤝 Command Group: whitelist

📝 Command Name: wipe

📋 Parameters:

  • keyword (required: False) - Keyword to search the whitelists by.

📝 Description:

Wipe one of the whitelists (Reversible).

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Wipe a whitelist:


    This command is used to wipe one of the whitelists. After executing the command, the bot will prompt you to select the whitelist you want to wipe.

  • Wipe a specific whitelist using a keyword:

    !wipe "Solana"

    This command is used to wipe a specific whitelist by providing a keyword. After executing the command, the bot will search for whitelists containing the keyword "Solana" and prompt you to select the one you want to wipe.

📝 Note:

  • This command allows you to wipe one of the whitelists.

  • If you execute the command without providing a keyword, the bot will prompt you to select the whitelist you want to wipe.

  • If you provide a keyword, the bot will search for whitelists containing that keyword and prompt you to select the one you want to wipe.

  • The wiping process is reversible, meaning the wiped whitelist can be restored if needed.

  • The command response will be sent as an ephemeral message visible only to you.

  • After wiping a whitelist, the bot will provide a confirmation message indicating the number of users deleted from the whitelist.

Last updated