
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Panel

🔒 Command Group: verification

🔧 Command Name: panel

📋 Parameters:

  • channel (required: True) - The channel to create the message in. (Type: channel)

  • logo (required: False) - Optional Logo Link (Will use your own project's logo if not provided). (Type: string)

  • background (required: False) - Optional Background Link (Will use your own project's background if not provided). (Type: string)

  • emoji (required: False) - Optional Emoji on the button (Default is '✅'). (Type: string)

📝 Description:

Create a verification message in the specified channel.

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Create a verification panel in a specific channel:

    !panel #verification-channel

    This command is used to create a verification message in the #verification-channel.

  • Create a verification panel with optional parameters:

    !panel #verification-channel MyLogo MyBackground :white_check_mark:

    This command is used to create a verification message in the #verification-channel with a custom logo, background, and emoji.

📝 Note:

  • This command requires appropriate administrative permissions to execute.

  • The logo, background, and emoji parameters are optional. If provided, they will customize the appearance of the verification message.

🔧 Command Signature:

Command Group - verification
Command Name - panel
Parameters - channel:The channel to create the message in (required: True), logo:Optional Logo Link (Will use your own project's logo if not provided) (required: False), background:Optional Background Link (Will use your own project's background if not provided) (required: False), emoji:Optional Emoji on the button (Default is '✅') (required: False)

Now you can use the RADAR bot's panel command to create a verification message in the specified channel for your Solana NFT community on Discord.

Last updated