
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Set Timezone

🤝 Command Group: profiles

📝 Command Name: set_timezone

📋 Parameters:

  • timezone (required: True) - Your timezone. (Type: string)

  • from_time (required: True) - The time you start being available (24h format). (Type: string)

  • to_time (required: True) - The time you stop being available (24h format). (Type: string)

  • afk_message (required: False) - The message to display when you're away. Leave blank to use the default. (Type: string)

📝 Description:

Set your timezone so people can see when you're available!

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Set your timezone and availability:

    !set_timezone America/New_York 09:00 17:00

    This command is used to set your timezone and availability. After executing the command, the bot will update your profile with the specified timezone and available timeslots.

  • Set your timezone, availability, and AFK message:

    !set_timezone Europe/London 08:00 16:00 "I'm away from the keyboard."

    This command is used to set your timezone, availability, and AFK message. After executing the command, the bot will update your profile with the specified timezone, available timeslots, and AFK message.

📝 Note:

  • This command allows you to set your timezone and availability.

  • Specify your timezone in the format Continent/City. For example, America/New_York or Europe/London.

  • Specify the start and end times of your availability in 24-hour format. For example, 09:00 and 17:00.

  • If you want to set an AFK message, enclose it in double quotes. For example, "I'm away from the keyboard.".

  • If no profile exists for you, the bot will create a new profile and register you.

  • After setting your timezone, the bot will update your profile with the specified timezone.

  • If you provide both the from_time and to_time parameters, the bot will add the specified timeslot to your available times.

  • If you don't provide both the from_time and to_time parameters, the bot will notify you to provide both.

  • You will receive a success message once your timezone is set or updated successfully.

  • The success message will show the timezone you set in backticks (`).

  • The command response will be sent as an ephemeral message visible only to you.

Last updated