
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Create a Raid

📣 Command Group: raid

🔧 Command Name: tweet

📋 Parameters:

  • tweet (required: True) - The tweet you want to raid. (Type: string)

  • description (required: False) - The description of the raid. (Type: string)

  • duration (required: False) - The deadline for voting. (Type: integer)

  • duration_unit (required: False) - The time unit of the duration. (Type: string)

  • is_global (required: False) - Whether the raid is global or not. (Type: boolean)

📝 Description:

Create a raid.

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Create a raid with a tweet:

    !tweet --tweet <tweet_content>

    This command is used to create a raid with a specific tweet_content.

  • Create a raid with additional details:

    !tweet --tweet <tweet_content> --description <raid_description> --duration <duration> --duration_unit <duration_unit> --is_global <is_global>

    This command is used to create a raid with a specific tweet_content and additional details like raid_description, duration, duration_unit, and is_global.

📝 Note:

  • This command requires appropriate permissions to execute.

  • Use the command to create a raid in Solana NFT communities.

  • Provide the tweet_content as a parameter to create a raid with a specific tweet.

  • You can also provide an optional raid_description to provide more details about the raid.

  • If desired, specify the duration and duration_unit to set a deadline for voting on the raid.

  • Set is_global to True if the raid is global, or leave it as False for non-global raids.

  • The command will create a raid with the provided parameters and notify the community.

🔧 Command Signature:

Command Group - raid
Command Name - tweet
Parameters - tweet:The tweet you want to raid (required: True), description:The description of the raid (Optional) (required: False), duration:The deadline for voting (Select time unit in next field) (Optional) (required: False), duration_unit:The time unit of the duration (Optional) (required: False), is_global:Whether the raid is global or not (Optional) (required: False)

Now you can use the RADAR bot's tweet command to create exciting raids and engage with the Solana NFT community.

Last updated