
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Add Shop Category

🤝 Command Group: shop

📝 Command Name: add_category

📋 Parameters:

  • shop (required: True) - Which shop to add the category to. (Type: string)

  • name (required: True) - Category Name. (Type: string)

  • description (required: True) - Category Description. (Type: string)

  • icon (required: False) - Icon for the category. (Type: string)

  • emoji (required: False) - An emoji for the category. (Type: string)

  • is_global (required: False) - Is this category global? (Admin Only). (Type: boolean)

📝 Description:

Add a category to the specified shop.

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Add a category to a shop:

    !add_category --shop MyShop --name Collectibles --description Collectible items --emoji 🎉

    This command is used to add a category to a shop. You need to specify the shop parameter as the name of the shop, the name parameter as the name of the category, the description parameter as the description of the category, and optionally set the emoji parameter to an emoji to represent the category (e.g., 🎉).

📝 Note:

  • This command allows you to add a category to a shop in your Solana NFT community.

  • Specify the shop parameter as the name of the shop you want to add the category to.

  • Specify the name parameter as the name of the category.

  • Specify the description parameter as the description of the category.

  • Optionally, you can set the icon parameter to add an icon for the category.

  • Optionally, you can set the emoji parameter to an emoji to represent the category.

  • By default, the category is not global. If you want to make it global (admin-only), set the is_global parameter to true.

  • After adding the category, a success message will be displayed indicating that the category has been added.

Last updated