
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Get Collection Rarity

🔒 Command Group: rarity

🔧 Command Name: scraper

📋 Parameters:

  • collection_name (required: False) - The collection name on MagicEden. (Type: string)

  • mint_address (required: False) - The mint address to the NFT. (Type: string)

  • candy_machine (required: False) - The Candy Machine address. (Type: string)

  • rarity (required: False) - Which method to calculate rarity: Statistical (Moonrank) or Scorebased ( (Type: string)

  • attribute_count (required: False) - Does attribute count towards rarity? Default is true. (Type: boolean)

  • normalized (required: False) - Should trait normalization be done? Default is true. (Type: boolean)

📝 Description:

Get the rarity of a collection using the mint address or a Candy Machine ID.

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Get collection rarity using mint address:

    !scraper --mint_address <mint_address>

    This command is used to get the rarity of a collection using the mint_address of an NFT. Provide the mint_address as a parameter.

  • Get collection rarity using Candy Machine ID:

    !scraper --candy_machine <candy_machine>

    This command is used to get the rarity of a collection using the candy_machine ID. Provide the candy_machine as a parameter.

📝 Note:

  • This command requires appropriate permissions to execute.

  • Use the command to get the rarity of a collection on MagicEden.

  • You can provide the collection_name, mint_address, or candy_machine parameter to specify the collection.

  • The rarity parameter allows you to choose between statistical (Moonrank) or scorebased ( methods to calculate rarity.

  • By default, attribute count is considered towards rarity, but you can set attribute_count to false to exclude attributes.

  • The normalized parameter determines whether trait normalization should be done.

  • The command will provide you with the rarity information for the specified collection.

🔧 Command Signature:

Command Group - rarity
Command Name - scraper
Parameters - collection_name:The collection name on MagicEden (required: False), mint_address:

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