
📝 RADAR Documentation - Command: Resend Message

🤝 Command Group: secret

📝 Command Name: resend

📋 Parameters:

  • channel (required: True) - Channel to resend the message to

📝 Description:

Resend a message you generated before. This command allows you to select a message you previously generated and resend it to the specified channel.

🔍 Example Usage:

  • Resend a message to a channel:

    !resend #announcements

    This command is used to resend a previously generated message to the #announcements channel. Replace #announcements with the name of the channel you want to resend the message to.

📝 Note:

  • This command allows you to resend a message you generated before.

  • The channel parameter is required and should be the channel where you want to resend the message.

  • After executing the command, the bot will check if you have the necessary permissions to perform the action.

  • If you don't have the required permissions, the bot will not proceed and will display an error message.

  • The command response will be sent as an ephemeral message visible only to you.

  • The bot will retrieve the messages you generated before.

  • If no messages are found, the bot will display an error message indicating that no messages were found.

  • You will be prompted to select a message from the list of available messages.

  • Once you select a message, the bot will resend it to the specified channel.

  • The resent message will include a title, description, and thumbnail.

  • The bot will update the database with the resent message.

  • If the resent message is successfully added to the database, the bot will display a success message indicating that the message has been resent.

  • If the resent message fails to be added to the database, the bot will display an error message indicating that the message resend has failed.

Last updated